The reason I wrote this book is my fascination for the beautiful guitars made by Levin in Sweden. Since 1972 I’ve been looking for Levin and Goya guitars, and I was triggered to look into their history.
I wrote Göran Levin a letter, as he was the third of the Levin generation in charge of the Levin factory in Göteborg, Sweden. In 2003 we were invited to have an interview with him. Many emails followed!
Thank you Göran for your help and frankness.
Subsequently I did research to convert stories into facts and to find missing links. All this has resulted in a complete set of interesting stories in a logical order.

Since 1972 I’ve been looking for Levin and Goya guitars, and I was triggered to look into their history.

Do you like to know more about Levin and Goya? You can order this book now.

Wouter Blees plays the guitar and hopes to one day build a classical guitar himself.

Melanie Safka wrote the foreword. She performed at Woodstock and won an Emmy Award!